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My take on solution toxicity

Mod Skin Dota 2

I have been playing dota since 2006-2007 and want to share my idea how toxicity could be eliminated from the game. Overwatch is the core of the idea and it is up to players to take some time and do overwatch cases, there can be some small reward like dotaplus for 1 month after 100 cases or small shards after succesfull casses. Basicly i dont think this system works right now, it is better than before but it can be better in my opinion so hear me out.

First of all behavior score is removed totally. Players are placed avarage mmr and ranked roles selected, so you dont get same teammate because you have low beh score and he/she has low beh score and you meet each other due to less players in high mmr.

Report is changed, now you can report with more options and explains why you report that person, for example;

1- Player afk and not play with the team. I guess this is most used way to griefe because you dont acctualy do somtething obvious but you still hit jungle till enemy hit and kill ancient. One of the most annoying one because you think this guy keeps farmin so at some point he/she will join the fights but no it doesnt happen.

2- Player is intentionally feeding. This is obvioys no need to explain.

3- Player abusing spells. Tiny toss io relocate od astral etc.

4-Support hitting cores creep while core try to hit same creep.

There can be more options but you get the idea. Another important thing about this you have unlimited reports and you need to report one of theese at the time it happens. So if i report support hit cores creep i should do immidietly he does this so it will be easier to watch overwatch case instead watching whole game.

For the player afk and not playing report it can be teamfights and at the end of the game, you can see that player is just afk whole time even at the end of the game so very easy conduct.

Next part is might controversial but essential; every person over 1k hours and able to play ranked i.e calibrated will be able to overwatch cases based on their mmr. +/- 500 mmr on avarage might be good. For the conduct there will be 5 person watch the same overwatch and 3 of them will decide guilty or not guilty (3 guilty – 2 not g. = guilty)

Every time you succesfull on verdict, you will get small bonus 10 shards for every conducts, after 10 it will be 15 so on and will be reset at the end of the month.

Every time you wrong on the verdict (you hit guilty but other 3 or 4 people not guilty) you will not get any punishment, but if you wrong on the verdict 10 times in a month you will get notification when you hit 20 you wont be able to watch overwatch till reset.

Therefore more people will take time to watch overwatch cases for bonus or be part of the community, cases will be resolved much better.

Another thing is if you wrongfully report someone and they decide not guilty on overwatch you will get notification if you keep report people wrongfully your reports will be taken from you untill next reset each month. This will fix random reports if someone makes bad play or whatever reason you wrongfully report that person.

Punishment for the misbehavior will be low prio games. A classic way to tell people you are here because you act like an ass. However the hard part is it will be 3 games for first conduct but will increase like 6 games on second 12 games on third time and 4th time it will be 20 or more games so it will take so much time for toxic to finish thoose games and come back to ruin more games. This will be reseted at every month and it will start from 3 games again.

Chat restrictions will be off againt and players will be able to mute text or voice certain players like always. That player will get notification like (x player muted your voice, x player muted your chat) not everyone has to listen to each other but it should be decided by the teammate not by the devoloper. I might dislike somone and mute his voice or chat but they can talk to each other even in their language dont care, I can mute him and thats it.

I think if you tell toxic person every month you can just fresh start to act better, without sitting in low behaviour games almost impossible to climb up, seeing same team mates and cannot communicate is not helping toxic people to act better. I hated toxcity in dota, i did toxic things too, so you can read this idea is completly crap or makes sense in a way, but i think this would fix all the problems behaviour score introduced and toxicity will be acctualy punished. I feel like toxicity is not been punished since forever and right now you play with other low beh score players and maybe every person in the game is %100 pma mode but they cant type or talk because something they did or even they didnt do anything but got mass reported and got down to sprial to low behavior score.


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