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My take on the next balance

witcher triss merigold gwint


  1. Lambert: Since Vesemir got a buff last patch, i thought the whole trio witchers (Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel) could use a buff to 4 power, considering the take 21 prov together and momentarily play for a mere 10 points + 2 thinning, which is bad imo.

  2. Ulula: Still missing in action since almost the day she was first used in a deck. She works best in Devotion decks with Harald 3rd form or with Brokvar Warrior.

  3. Malena: Haven't seen her face in ages as well. She used to be played when Milva was at her peak (before the nerfs). Could use some love to not instantly die to 5p removal.


  1. Sove: Still performing too good in most matches. I hope that at 10 base power we can finally say we are contempt with the nerfs but we just have to wait and see.

  2. Kraken: Card forgotten in time and space, nerfing it by 1 power is actually a buff (like any other disloyal units or Ivar Evil Eye).

  3. Fulmar: Imo his stats are good, meaning he still plays for 12 points without using his order, but can hit armor and needs a medium to long round to be played at it's fullest. Is this buff controversial?


  1. Invigorate: I used to play Handbuff with Renfri a long time ago, it seemed strong back then, but now it feels outdated and powercrept. Definitely needs some buffs somewhere in the archetype.

  2. Traveling Priestess: Card is too good for 4 prov imo, seen a lot of PT with Sunset Wanderers in pro rank. Not a rant, but i think the ceiling for this card is too damn high for a 4 prov unit.

  3. Compass: it would be on my top priority nerf pick but i'm just hoping that everyone else is on the same page as so as to not waste my priority picks i put Compass on my third pick.
    Too good of a card for GN. That's it. GN Skellige has to be one of the strongest GN out there atm.
    Honestly haven't seen many SK decks with GN but i think in the next weeks if left unchecked, the water will start to burst from the pot.


  1. Bear Witcher Quartermaster: this card plays for 8 max points (if it hits an ally with armor) and creates 2 pwr tokens. Card seems bad at 5 prov. Also swarms a bit so it can be a prob in a long round if you have 2 copies and enemy doesn't have much control.

  2. Imlerith: It used to see play in some WH decks before Caranthir was released and the buff to Ge'Els. I still don't think we will see him at 8 prov in WH decks. But Monsters desperately need some Devotion thinning options, and i hope this can put Devotion decks in the right path.

  3. The Eternal Eclipse: I never played cultists but this nerf feels so undeserved. Like we finally got rid of the main problem (activating 1 st chapter on the same turn as playing the scenario). I think this was one of the buffs from lower ranks that do not know how to play around the deck.

What do you think about my picks? I would love some opinions!


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