So I've had a blast in my Kraith MKII. I've amassed over 4 billion in credits and got to the top tier ranking in the Federation and Empire. But it's time to move on. I've decided to go with a Corvette. I'm debating things like shields and hull reinforcement packages. I mainly play SOLO at this point. I will probably go into CZ's and Hi Res areas for sure. Would still like to keep a couple of slots open for things like cargo,lol. I plan on using Bi-Weave with thermal option and fast charge. I'm having a hard time deciding on whether to go with multiple SB's or SCB;s. And if I go with SB's are the guardian ones better? I know I just laid out a bunch of things and all comments are welcome. I've looked into prismatics but not sure I need them what with what I'm planning on doing at this point. Thanks ahead of time

Posted on CategoriesDiscussion, Elite: Dangerous
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