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neutral items should drop on death

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Here is a cool set of changes to the rules governing neutral items in dota 2.

Neutral items should drop on death.

They shouldn't be able to be stored in the team's shop

You should only be able to store one in your inventory at a time

you shouldn't be able to drop them, only give them to allies, exchange equipped neutral items with an ally, or destroy them.

Couriers should not be able to carry them.

If they are on the ground for more than 30 seconds, they should be automatically destroyed.

When a neutral item is destroyed, it gets returned to the pool of all neutral items available for that tier.

There can only be one instance of a certain neutral item in the game at a time. However, once that item has been destroyed, it can spawn again because it has been returned to the pool of available neutral items.

The pool of possible neutral items for each tier should double in size (bring back illusionist cape and gg branch for example)

Neutral items still drop from neutral creeps. However, the tier of neutral items that drop depend on what tier the hero that killed the creep has selected. Players can each choose a tier that they want their neutral item drops to be rolled from. Higher tiers are locked at the start, and unlocked as the game progresses, just as the neutral items work currently.

When you spawn, you spawn with a random neutral item from the tier you have selected.

And that's all! The effects of these changes would be increased variety in builds due to the doubled pool of neutral items in game, and a higher priority on grouping up and killing certain targets to reclaim a high value neutral item for your team. Some of the rules I listed exist to prevent abuse of the rules (e.g. if couriers can pick up neutral items then players can deny the other team certain neutral items by hiding them on the courier. Also, if neutral items don't automatically Despawn after 30 seconds when on the ground, teams could deny the other team certain neutrals by hiding them in the fountain.)


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