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New fortnite season is really bad

I’ve loaded into the new fortnite season and was really hyped but im very disappointed, epic have tried to do to much with the season. Firstly I feel like the weapon balancing is really bad, some of the grey rarity shotguns are too overpowered ( sorry I can’t remember the names ), also the new grappling thing with the knife is way to overpowered, one instance I was killed with one hit by it on full green health. Epic is trying too hard to be like their competitors, the attachments and all the scopes are just like call of duty and it is difficult to tell what attachments they have when quickly picking them up, especially if your in a gun fight and u see a higher rarity gun that you may want. They should make it so you can choose attachments that you find around the map or not have all the attachments randomised on all the guns so it is easy to memorise. The movement mechanics are trying to be like apex legends so bad, I hate the double wall climbing feature as when I’m in a build fight all they have to do is climb and it’s really annoying ( keep in mind I am not the best at build fighting though so I’m not the fasts at gaming height ) although I like the vaulting through windows. Another thing is that the new walk speed is so slow, I know it may be the same speed as always, but the new animations make it look really slow. Finally the map isn’t diverse many of the locations like fencing fields, ruined reels, ritzy riviera, pleasant piazza and snooty steps all look very similar with the Italian village look, this makes them very forgettable, what made chapter 1 and chapter 2 map locations memorable was that they all had their own identity and didn’t look the same. I am obviously gonna play more to get a stronger opinion on the current state of the game but I was wondering if anyone agrees with my claim it has something to add.


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