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New player reaction

I started researching this game during the lockdowns. About 3 weeks ago, I bought a VR capable rig, HOTAS, and Quest 2. It hasn’t been easy installing and configuring everything. Lots of googling. From the exchange rate on USD to British pounds to key bindings to anti-aliasing. I’ve spent less time playing the game than I have TRYING to play the game. Unfortunately, Odyssey was a waste of money. All the bit fiddling in the world won’t give me a good image.

HOWEVER, I’ve finally got Horizons dialed in really good while at the same time I’m getting the hang of basic flying and landing. I’ve changed my HUD colors. I mapped my side panels to a button instead of looking. Suddenly I’m having fun. I’m slowing down the supercruise to do a slow, close, drive by of planets and moons just to enjoy the scenery. Cruising through huge boulders. Flying slowly around stations just enjoying the view and watching ships coming and going. This game in VR is exactly what I hoped it would be. I’m flying a freaking spaceship.

I’ve done nothing but courier runs and cargo deliveries. I’ve got about 600,000 credits and the only missions left on the board are combat war games and “explore the universe” which apparently means leaving the kiddie pool. So, I’m headed for the war games for a while before I jump into the deep end. I’m still clueless and still googling and researching on Inara, ED Codex etc. I’m waiting on grease for my throttle rails. But now can I see why people spend thousands of hours doing this.

I wish I could play Odyssey. I’m not interested at all in the FPS stuff but even with all the shimmering and flickering, I can tell it’s an upgrade. Maybe after a future update.

I’ll be playing in open until I find a reason not to.

CMDR Rockyjones o7


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