New recalibration bug?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

HI, I'm here to share my side of the story about recalibration. So I was always 5k+ peaked at 6k but always around 5k-6k, played constantly only ranked so I did stop playing for maybe like 2-3 months and then I come back and I just pressed to recalibrate and didnt play single match, and then new patch comes I start playing ranked and guesss what, I'm in the games with crusaders and guardians, I stomped games cuz ofc they are not in my level, i lose some cuz of bad people and trolling but after 30% confidance i recalibrated from 5k to 1.5k!!!This is my account, not bought, have like 54% wr on ranked too with so much matches and have this account in years.

So what I'm asking is, did some1 had same recalibration cuz I see people usually got better rank.

Btw I will climb it's not about that, but games are not fun cuz people in that bracket don't know actually how to play.

Best regards


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