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Newbie in need of advice.

witcher gwent cards witcher table

Greetings Gwentunity,

I started playing Gwent like 5 days ago. I tried to watch some videos, check the playgwent website for some decks and as a starter deck I chose the Northern Realms deck. I have chosen to stuck with that deck, but now I play with some opponents that use the monster deck and have Vampire cards and they seem unbeatable. Is it wise to change my deck to vampire and if so, what do I have to do? Raise the materials to craft the cards that a vampire deck suggests online? I am kind of lost. Also, I bought from the shop some packs. The ''starter pack'' and the ''northern realms faction pack''. Is it wise to buy the monster pack as well? Also, some people said that if I am willing to spend money again, the ''Journey'' is really worth buying, but there are 22 days left for it to end. I am currently at level 14, is it worth of buying and reaching as high as possible? Thank you all for your time and advices in advance!


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