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Next faction after SK – a newbie LF a summer crush

gerald witcher 3 gwent table

Hi guys, first time here!

Decently experienced in card games, but I've been playing GWENT for a week or so now (in a pretty unhealthy fashion some would say). I picked SK and went on with a Warrior deck to Rank 10 then decided to build a Self-wound deck. Still experimenting with the latter and it's quite fun, slowly climbing learning the deck. Not too far away from a decent pirate deck too.

Now I'm wondering what faction to go for next!

I've watched a few videos, looked at some tier lists, played quite a few Draft mode games so I tried all factions at least once.

I am looking for a second faction to invest into with my keys. Almost F2P player, so I believe I will play those 2 factions for a quite a while as rewards seem to be slowing down a bit and I want to make a well-informed decision on where to invest my resources.

What I'm looking for :

  • Meta resilient ; don't want a faction which is mainly gimmicks, only there because it counters some meta decks, or too strong will get nerf to oblivion ASAP.
  • Different game strategies then SK main decks (control, combo, tempo, swarm, etc or whatever the Gwent equivalent is). It kinda feeds in my first point.
  • Fun, I guess?

My first impressions on other factions and kind of in the order I feel I would like them :

SY : Had a fun run in Draft, it looks like it can be little bit of everything and coins are kinda cool to manage.

NR : Kinda liked the stockpile siege kind of decks.. Looks complicated though to pilot properly. Don't really know what else they are good at though.

ST : Swarm and move stuff something. A dwarf whut?

NG : I enjoy generating stuff and drawing, seems to have some good control. But I'm not sure I want to be that guy if you know what I mean…

MO : Too many Monster deck in low rank, it disgusted me a bit and wasn't really fun in Draft for me, but Vampire looked fun.

Bonus round : I will be looking a bit in guides on how to spend my keys too. I did get quite a bit confused when I realized there was more than the 2 first trees they give you. If you got any advice on that with your faction suggestion, I really don't mind guys!

EDIT : I am going for scraps, ore/kegs in the trees, but saving up kegs/ore for prestige 1 to get the extra rare per keg. It's not much, but I figured it's better than nothing to go a little faster. Got pretty much what I want for now in SK.

If you read till the end, you're awesome. Thanks!


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