I remember adoring enemies using Nilfgaard decks until I kept facing them on rank matches. And I'm not even that high on the ladder.
It has one too many archetypes available to play under this faction: one too many variants for clog and mill archetypes.
- Control and disruption: lock, spying, etc.
- Banish thinning enemy deck through Kingslayer
- Control and destroy: Vilgefortz, Yennefer: Invocation (Yennefer isn't even aligned with NG, lore-wise)
- Disloyal and Assimilate
- Hyperthin
- Siege engines (surprisingly, thought this is exclusive to Northern realms)
- Midrange, quite close to point-slam
- Tactics, non unit plays
- Viper Witcher deck (encountered a few on lower rank)
And I'm pretty sure I miss the rest of the archetypes. Feel free to point out the archetypes I missed.
And this is pretty much coming from an newbie with little experience with ladder and the game as a whole.
Nilfgaard diversity is unhealthy. The rest of the factions should be diversified, not just this faction. I see why most players hate nilfgaard. I'm starting to hate it too. I'm remember adoring a well played nilfgaard deck but now I'm starting to loathe it to the point that no matter how good the game is, players using Nilfgaard decks don't deserve a GG.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/uiunv5/nilfgaard_is_too_diverse_which_is_unhealthy_for/