NPCs should not all turn on you if a stray laser accidentally hits their megaship when you’re helping them.

“Thanks for killing all those pirates CMDR, we couldn’t do it without you… but we couldn’t help notice that one of your lasers glanced our invincible megaship, and as such we sentence you to death.”

Just an annoyance more than anything for me in a Corvette but for a less experienced Pilot, they’ll just suddenly die for no explainable reason.

Then to make things worse you can’t even reset the instance by leaving and rejoining. The system authorities just have to destroy their best asset for that extremely large bounty of 1000cr.

Time to take 10 minutes out of my day to fly to a station to pay off this pathetic bounty so I can actually assist system authority again.

Update: I have been sent to jail for my crimes against humanity. Though I don’t think rehabilitation is going to work on me. I’m always going to be a good for nothing megaship glancing scumbag. Maybe I should rot in jail.


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