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Odyssey really is terrible isn’t it…

I've been playing Odyssey for all of two days and it's the biggest shitshow i've ever purchased.

Already I've had –

  • unable to unload escape pods and having to relog to allow me to unload
  • npc's stuck in walls
  • large frame rate drops
  • unable to pay off fines and having to relog 2 or 3 times to allow me to pay it off.
  • intercepted by a none-elite NPC vessel who hit me once and suddenly drained all my shields to 0 and 70% of my health (engineered 'conda) with a single hit from a beam laser.
  • Unable to repair damage module in flight. Worked on the 3rd or 4th time of trying.
  • mission screen stuck open with no way to close it or navigate away from it. Had to alt+f4 and restart the game.
  • Selling commodoties but them still appearing in my cargo hold despite being sold. But unable to sell again, so my cargo hold is full of 'ghost commodoties' taking up space but they don't exist. Again, relog to make them disappear.
  • Cargo mission items not appearing in cargo hold despite being collected. Guess what – relog and they suddenly appeared.

All of this in two days.

Also, the UI is dogshit compared to horizons. The map, the mission board, the starport services, literally everything is more clunky, less easy to navigate and harder to find things. They had the perfect setup on horizons and changed something that wasn't broken.

I'm looking forward to my odyssey adventure.


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