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OG Caranthir in Devo WH

witcher gwent cards

Currently playing around with my build and as it stands I have a 9 provision slot open. That got me thinking, what about OG Caranthir. While not as powerful as with for example Kiki Queen he still has some potentially juicy targets:

#1: Eredin. While you don't get the deploy, on an already established Frost field you can get some nice bonus damage that again will help Golden Child

#2: Foglet. With Ard Gaeth, Tir na Lia and co. this card can mean a ton of points and is therefore a prime removal target, so copying one with Caranthir can help getting one to stick and potentially win you the round

#3: Aristocrat. Especially in combination with Foglet this card can bring a ton of points and the movement helps against decks like Reaver

#4: Winter Queen. This is more for situations where you were too greedy with the mulligan but Queen's devotion ability can mean a ton of points

The biggest problem I think is, that he sets the copied unit to 1 so there are just way too many ways to get rid of it but the potential for a huge amount of points remains. What do you think?


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