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One bug report per day?

Why is this limit imposed on beta testers?

Today I submitted a cheater report and then found a way to reproduce an actual bug in the game. You can make the image of a magazine icon become stuck at the center of the screen, effectively blocking your sight/laser vision. This bug got me killed yesterday with a really decent kit, full of loot on my way to the extract. A long distance engagement occurred with another PMC and the image of the mag blocked my vision of him completely, so he killed me.

I tried reporting the bug with screenshots and full description of how to reproduce it and I am getting blocked because I reached my limit for the day, which is apparently 1 report of any sort.

That's… silly. That's how you make sure to get less bug reports. I guess I'm not going to bother reporting it tomorrow just because of how annoying this limit is (edit: I'll report it, was just kind of annoyed when writing the post. I wish the devs all the best, any criticism is almost always coming from a place of wanting to improve the game we play).

IF anyone else wants to report it, you can reproduce the bug by dragging a magazine from your rig with the mouse and then tabbing out of the inventory without letting go, while in a raid. It needs to be done VERY fast to reproduce it, so it's not easy to make it happen.

You get this:


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