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Opinion Polls – different method.

I could rant about how ridiculous this farm is. I've been farming this for past two days and not a single data appeared until I decided to record…

Devs – if you are reading: I love ED <3 but seriously with this bs <^> ( – . – ) <^>


These are my own discoveries and below guide does not involve pure sneak skills NOR systems in anarchy!

STATION 1:LOUNGE PORT(mission appearance 80%)*
STATION 2:BOSWELL TERMINAL(mission appearance 40-60%)*
TARGET LOCATION:KANU'S HEIGHTS(17 enemies including researchers, 8 terminals)

* – you can stock up on E-Breach on both stations. Lounge Port is closer to the planet but landing pad is backwards to station entrance – extra running for those looking into farming missions. Boswell is slightly further but station entrance is to the side of the landing pad. When missions do not appear CHANGE INSTANCE FROM OPEN WORLD TO SOLO OR TO OPEN WORLD FROM SOLO – this will change missions (only once per xxx (HRs?) – can't figure out this mechanic).

NOTES: Do not take any mission with a specific location just a general count of pax to exterminate. Do not take any assassination missions even with above base mentioned (it'll tell you guy was tipped off and was moved to a different location). You can take multiple missions it does not matter.**You can take one and while it's still active (even if complete) it will still allow you to get away with potential kills.**If you are less experience with kills I recommend my beginning methods – medium ship with some shields and Scorpion SRV.

Mission puts you in a lawless state in locations where these guys (Crom Silver Boys) operate – I'm sure you can figure out where this is going (or something along the line) – basically whether you kill or do splinter cell op does not matter. This means you DO NOT care what state this station is at or system or the whole bloody universe…


  • Pink triangle – landing pad medium – set up your pips to short bar – your Scorpion SRV – for those less combat experienced – like myself – parked behind power plant.
  • Green dots – your terminals: bottom three are ultra easy for access for farm;
  • Building with the red dot has 3 floors, go to second floor, take left corridor and second last dorm has terminal. Top floor has two dorms, room on the left (stairs go round-up) has alarm and NPC spawning there goes on a patrol marked with a bright thin green line. Start there.
  • Big building higher up with a similar size has two floors, terminals are at the end on each floor – NPCs!
  • Top building with orange dots is a bar – terminal will either be on one or the other side of the bar.

Why park ship there on the plain view? Simple – it's a great distraction for NPC's once things go sideways. Also SRV parked on the other side can help you run away or restock / manage inventory when running through whole camp.

I've been trying to find better system to farm missions for additional data / materials but for the systems I have checked so far this does appear to be the best. Methodology for my search looking for systems with Tourism as main economy with highest population being <100ly from Shinrarta Dezhra – maybe someone would want to join in finding better spot.

Videos will follow soon on. Speed run time 7-10 minutes (average).


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