Oracle is such a uniquely fun hero

Mod Skin Dota 2

The joy of watching the enemy right clicker visibly go into shock when they are disarmed as they try to wale on you

Blocking necros ult repeatedly with your W or ult

Nuking an enemy to death as they chase you in the laning phase thinking they have an easy kill

Ulting a teammate that turns the tide of a team fight even if they don’t survive

Coupled with the frustrations of teammates who BKB after you ult them so they can’t be healed by you

Or the morons who run away as you’re trying to heal them

Or the carry who blink dives in 1v5 then pings your ult because you didn’t save them during a stupid fight because of how far ahead they jumped

No matter how hard I try to explain to teammates how the hero works, it’s always a guarantee someone isn’t listening, forgets, or goes full lizard brain and panics during a team fight. Still fun as hell to play


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