I feel like flashbangs are pretty much useless right now. Because we never know whether our enemy got blinded or not so we don’t want to risk a rush.
Basically everyone just nopes out of somewhere when they hear a grenade land (thinking it’s a frag grenade).
How about a sound cue to know if your enemy has been flashed. Maybe a flashed enemy will curse out or scream if they got flashed? I’m obviously not talking about a hit marker or a indicator. Just an in game indicator like an enemy crying out or something.
I feel like flashbangs are pretty useless in Tarkov. I have perhaps been flashed like twice in the game.
What do you guys think?
Edit : I obviously don’t want a obnoxious indicator that ruins the immersion of the game or forces people to spam flashes like in cod. As another user pointed out I meant a subtle grunt.