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Ping limit changes after purchasing EOD now prevent me from playing with my friends.

I started playing last wipe and thoroughly enjoyed the game. There have been some incredible time with my pals and I.

Just for some back story; I lived in the US but now currently live in Paraguay in South America so all my friends who play are obviously english speakers (as well as myself).

We played hard last wipe and continued to do the same this wipe. However, after a small patch recently, my ping limit has prevented my from playing with my friends. I usually bounced anywhere between 170 and 220 ping which was find. Then they added the 250 ping cap which got me kicked out of a few raids. No problem, we'll just select southern US servers and call it a day. Well, that was until they dropped it down even further. I now seem to be getting kicked if I come so close as to touch 180-200 ping. Even if just for a second. I just dropped 80 bucks on EOD only to be separated from playing with my friends because of this issue.

There has to be a better way to prevent those hacking countries (we know who they are) from infecting other servers overseas without punishing those who just want to play with their buddies.


One comment

  • AlsoBougtEodAndCannotPlayAnymore 14.03.2021 in 10:08

    I wish the devs would hear us. They seem completely blind to the issue because they don’t have the problem themselves.

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