Recently it has come to my attention that there are a few people on this subreddit that have been claiming to have counter ganked me, killed me in PvP or that I have been running away from counter ganks lately for clout.
I have not played Elite Dangerous in well over a year now and for the last 6 months that I did play I only did competitive PvP and hosted events to get new players into PvP.
Part of me doesn't care because I have nothing to do with this game anymore but I also think it's a scumbag move to run my name through the mud to make yourself look good, especially when I spent my last 6 months of playing the game actually helping new players instead of hunting them.
Most of you won't give a shit and that's fine, I barely care about anything related to this game either. Just thought I'd throw out this little PSA.
Thanks and fly safe o7