Playing my second account just to have some fun…but I would understand this being incredibly frustrating to a new player to not understand why they weren't killed by a PMC…that early in a raid (Customs 5mins 07seconds:
Personally, I don't think player scavs should be able to spawn within the first half of the raid timer, and even with that, they should only spawn on the outskirts of the map. It kind of baffles me sometimes that I can spawn on the hill east of dorms and get to dorms to be met by players scavs that have spawned inside of it. I agree that there should be more scavs in dorms, to begin with, and maybe their difficulty/accuracy should be higher to stop 'nothing running' but player scavs?
Of course, feel free to disagree or call be bad/cope or whatever else reddit is good for but seriously I get some of the early game complaints. Especially when player scavs can group up…new players are just stuffed over by a group of experienced players as scavs when they are just starting out and I don't really think it makes sense for that to be the case. I don't know if removing grouping is the right play there…but there may be some other method you guys can come up with.