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Please give us something else to do with the scraps before you abandon the game.

witcher triss merigold gwint

This is an issue veteran players have and if the game is going to be "infinite" then many more will have at some point. Currently I'm sitting at 200000 scraps (rounded) and I own every single card in the game but I'm still missing a big chunk of the premiums, probably like many others.

Back in beta we were able to craft premium cards by spending double the amount in scraps, for instance if a card scrap cost is 800, crafting it premium with Scraps would be 1600… Why not enable this again?

I know you would be missing some meteorite powder sales but at this point… Do you really care about the game CDPR? You are basically throwing away Gwent and it's not like powder was the thing everyone was buying for Gwent, those were the journeys.

My point is, scraps have no real use apart from building cards and progressing journeys till level 100, but the players who already have tons of scraps to spare on journeys, probably already have finished the journeys too.
Why not allow us to trade scraps for keys, kegs, meteorite powder or premium cards?

I don't care if the ratio is as absurd as 500 scraps = 1 Key or something, it is better than nothing.


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