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Pos 5 from the Bias of a Pos 1 Player

Dota2 Mods

Right off the bat, I fully admit that I have that inherent bias after playing pos 1 for so long. I've built up that whole "I know what I want my pos 5 to do" but I'm here to ask pos 5 players their thoughts on working the pos 5 position and if I'm misunderstanding the role.

My general thoughts as a pos 1 in the laning stage are that I love it when my pos 5:

– Buys Ring of Basilius b/c that mana makes a big difference for both of us and lets you harass more, and Ring of Basi becomes a Veil later for teamfights.

– Buys an extra sage's mask or two so they can make Medallion / Urn later, but have cheap stacked mana regen (ring of basi + 2x sage masks is the same 2.9 mana/sec as Arcane boots, but for only 775 gold)

– Doesn't rush Arcane Boots because arcane boots are a huge buildup of nothing regen-wise until you gather all 1300 gold.

– Works into Glimmer and/or Force Staff after their mana sustain is strong, and grabs Tranquils for the regen and movespeed.

– Buys wards & smoke, and coordinates with pos 2-4 to place them aggressively if possible.

– Plays up in the lane a bit and goes for denies and harass (using all that bonus mana regen) to create space.

And that sums up most of my thoughts on pos 5. How differently would you say that the reality of pos 5 is compared to my dream list of pos 5 items from the perspective of a pos 1? What are some things I could learn about pos 5 that would help me be a better lane partner?


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