Possible Lead on Raxxla

I'll get to the point, “Raxxla” I believe is coordinates, Convert the letters to numbers it's 181 2424 121, it leads to HIP 62334, Yes I know People have tried that before, And the coordinates are a couple light years off. but that's just part of the equation, then I looked at the planets within the system and was suspicious, So I counted the planets orbiting the gas giants. (There's also one gas giant with 8 Rocky bodies orbiting it, Which I believe is part of the lore? Anyway I counted those up and I got the numbers “68435” that Along with the system name Could possibly be coordinates, Keep in mind you need an anaconda with over 60 ly Jump range with premium FSD injection, It looks like a maze just to get to the system. And I self-destructed my anaconda twice because I got stuck, then began to lose hope and think I'm just seeing patterns where there are none, Then after some thought what if you have to visit HIP 62334 first? The only reason I didn't was because I saw this and went straight to Byeia Euq FY-H d10-30, It's also worth noting the only reason I knew what was in HIP 62334 Was because I used a third-party website called spansh.co.uk, first I tried eddb.io, but no info on the system.

86 538 6234, These coordinates lead EXACTLY to the system. Is this all too much of a coincidence? I'm heading to HIP 62334 Right now to see what I can find.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/ufmz6s/possible_lead_on_raxxla/

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