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Anyone know why the pp19 hasn't been a lvl 1 trader item for a hot minute now?

I quit playing and as with some of my friends, we haven't played in quite some time because of the dumbest shit.

PP-19 was my favorite starting weapon, a basic smg. There's absolutely NO reason IMO it shouldn't be available.

The ammo isn't that great, and it was the only gun I stood a decent chance with (due to playing on a 15" screen -i travel daily across continents so I can't use a desktop- and being blind as a bat) and I just don't understand why it isn't available.

Any chance to get a petition going or something? I'd come back to the game with a few others as well if this was a starting weapon.

Yes, we actually quit playing because the weapons and flea just got stupid retarded and we felt things are too restricted that we feel shouldn't be.


I say bring back the PP-19 so I don't suck so bad and can actually enjoy the game Yea I said it. And no, I don't like the kedr. I can't do any good with it. LoL


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