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preferred backpack/situation?

howdy yall, i don't know if people really put much thought into what backpacks to bring per the situation/conditions so I wanted to share what I do.

Chad loadouts (running reserve or interchange) i'll typically bring a 35 slot pilgrim or the 48 slot couch (6Sh118) especially if running solo. If I'm grouped with 3 or more I'm running a pilgrim at the max, if not a 30 slot tri-zip or 30 slot switchblade (ensures better loot distribution and less likely to be encumbered). When running the 30 slotters I'm usually careful to loot only 20k and above items, ensuring at least a 600k payout from that raid (usually it amounts to the millions). A balance of items like Squash, Poxeram, KEK-Tape, gold chains, and certain valuables is what i seek to get maximum profit

for solo and less geared/more tactical loadouts I'm sticking with a low profile black daypack or pillbox. both of these have 20 slots, i usually expect to guarantee loot anywhere between 400-500k in these raids- on customs these would be your dorms raids, crackhouse runs, and green room checks. With the advent of lighthouse it's definitely possible to make more with this amount of space, sometimes walking out with a couple million plus in loot while not attracting too much attention due to the smaller backpack, sometimes banking on coming across PMCs and taking their million plus loadout, but the chances of surviving the raid diminish due to the number of sniping spots and pvp activity (this is not a negative by any means).

Woods certainly depends on the time of day, but if it's daytime I'm very partial to the black daypack and pill box and looting only 25k+ items/slot, with Vodka, augmentin, and Surv-12 kits being the cheapest thing i'll hang onto. Sometimes if I plan on running some of the northern sites I'll bring a berkut or larger for daytime solo, but it completely depends on the loadout (if I'm assault or sniping). The type of weather is also relevant, as I'll bring thermals or close range assault if it's foggy/raining.

I sometimes don't even bring a backpack to woods, enjoying hunting others and the PVP so much that I want to restrict myself from looting anything other than high value items to my gamma (bitcoin if i come across it, moonshine, etc.)

If I'm doing a night run on woods i'll bring a 35 slot Pilgrim (if running duo) or a 48-slot couch backpack (6Sh118) with a decent loadout (GP-NVG-18s and Zabralo/slick for cultists/shturman). On these runs, I will do a triple stim combo of meldonin, sj6, and obdolos, and when i hit a high density loot container area I'll typically use the 3-b-tg to balance out the obdolbos stim negative looting effect (if it doesn't wear off by then). this ensures a loot run where I don't run out of stam, however I do have to be careful of the +10% damage debuff in the chance I get it (it does go away about halfway into the obdolbos effect due to max metabolism)

Labs runs I'm usually forgoing the backpack, maybe bringing an MBSS if I'm feeling unlucky or a berkut. I see many people drop their couch bags at their spawn in the beginning of a round and I can easily take them (i've had some seriously funny interactions with hiding them from groups that wipe the lobby), but raiders and players also have backpacks I can more or less take from.

Factory is a bit different, if it's night time I'll usually run a pilgrim. If I wipe the lobby I might even choose to loot up the place and walk out with 600k+ in items even if tagilla doesn't spawn, however for farming tagilla i specifically use an MBSS and have 4 slots open in my gamma for his mask, I will loot his rig and then the mask will go directly to the gamma (this really offers no huge benefit but can be seen as cheap, I've maybe denied 2 tagilla masks from people who surprise/contact nade/rush me after I loot it out of the 50+ I've farmed). I feel Factory has many good weapons loot spawns and is underutilized, however if I'm running with a group the profits get cut severely.

Blackjacks and beta-2s simply offer more storage in my hideout and I can't justify bringing them into raid with cheaper alternatives available. I enjoy this feature though I know some people think they shouldn't give more space.

What are your personal thoughts on backpacks? Do you always run the largest available, do you vary it depending on your build or environmental factors or rigs that you wear?


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