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Raids Are Becoming a Shit Show.

Reserve is 40 minutes. There’s usually 12 PMCs + unlimited supply of player scavs. it’s making the game into a CoD run n gun shit show. the time is already pretty low, and then you have 20 players and raiders/scavs. i ended up killing 9 player scavs and 4 players 10 minutes into a raid. this all happened within the area by the marked room near the train station. thats insane. there shouldnt be 9 player scavs on the map 10 minutes in. (yes they were player scavs, you can tell by location, movement, and behavior). theres no slow time in the raids anymore, its constant run n gun shoot em up arcade cod style. player scavs spawning 20 feet from techlight 1 minute into the raid is also bullshit. if they’re going to reduce raid time and force everyone to rush around, they should at least make it so theres not 50 combatants on the map (which already isnt very big at all). turning into modern warfare with healing mechanics and loot.


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