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Renfri is overtuned, not broken.

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

I keep seeing posts on this sub about how to rework Renfri and I don't quite understand it. Her overall effect and deck-building restriction are fine (CD blessing was a bad choice though). Her overall design is preferable in my opinion, because it's not inherently binary, and can be played in a variety of decks. The problem with Renfri is that she is massively overtuned. She can easily hit 25+ points that are uninteractable and require no setup. That is what makes her busted. And that is what CDPR needs to address, which I'm assuming is what they'll focus on. Her curses and blessings need to be tuned, and maybe nerf her base power.

Anything beyond that is unnecessary for now. Adding more deck-building restrictions will either kill the card outright (please don't tie anything to Bandits unless they get reworked completely), or will just limit her to less decks, but not really change her inherent power. If they want to add doomed to her, I'm okay with that. Replaying high power cards is a whole other can of worms that CDPR should probably re-evaluate, but I won't get into that. I appreciate the creativity in the community and people coming up with solutions, it's all good discussion, but if Hideous Feast for example was "Damage a unit by 8 and boost and ally unit by 8" on a 5 point body, would anyone be talking about a rework? Or would we be asking for the values to be balanced first?

Edit: Just for clarity's sake, reworking specific curses or blessings as part of balancing the card overall is fine by me.


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