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Renfri is such cheese

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

I'm tired of cheesly losing to Renfri decks mainly NG since they can replay it or play 3 or more of them. It is easy to beat those decks but winning round 1 is mandatory or stealing and banishing Renfri in almost every case unless you got another trick up your sleeve. If they haven't played renfri in round 1 yet a win is till possibly but gotta play down to 4 or 5 cards and if it was red coin stopping at 5 or 4 works best cause depending grow high of a lead you have if they are desperate to win round 1 their just giving you more advantage in lager rounds from having more cards and now last say. But to many times now have I been up 20-25 or more points and they get desperate around 4-5 cards left round 1 specially when they went first and then they will cheesly take the lead playing renfri which is fine but depending whats in hand and what's left on the board is where this is a hit or miss on how stupid and cheap playing against these decks are.

A lot of the time I can get control and win round 1 but several times today now they have been able to cheesly and cheaply cheese round 1 becuase sometimes there is no option for having another trick up your sleeve (because of "draw luck" they say, even though each NG renfri deck I play seems to almost have a 100% luck on drawing their cards they need cause it almost always plays out the same key word "almost") that wasnt apart of the plan and many times now ill have the lead by a lot actually sometimes 25 points or more and next thing you know they use special ability, next thing you know Renfri comes out (wow shocker) and of course they again use that special ability and now their ahead of me by 20-25 points and if I pass that means their just gonna re use renfri cause I won't be able banish it my first turn next round to keep them from being able to replaying it and if I'm on blue coin I risk giving them card advantage to try and steal it which just fucks me and its so cheap.

Normally in round 1 i'll damage Renfri and steal it so they cant replay it or ill banish her. If I couldn't steal or banish her round 1 ill do it next round but thats only if I win round 1, this has been pretty successful actually and the only times its not is because they were able to easily cheaply cheese the lead out of me even at times when I'm waaaay a head of them in points which means we play all our cards cause they want round 1 but are sometimes limited to what cards to sacrifice which is a plus for me and sometimes gives me the win but barely and other times they will accept defeat and ifnthey do that and already played renfri that is a guaranteed win for me it most cases but not all. Moral of the story I'm just tried of being waaaay in the lead and then them spaming special abilities of theirs and then renfris and then depending on what renfri ability they choose will dictate what I have left on the board and sometimes thats crucial to me winning round 1. Its fine if I lose round 1 but thats only if I stole or banished renfri but again hands not always in my favor and depending on which cards they took out after using renfri and if I'm on blue coin ai put my self at a disadvantage trying to steal or banish her cause ill still be to low in points and from my experience most the time if they replay renfri its a done deal. I have beaten them when they have played it twice but thats when their hand drawing aren't in their favor which is rare for me.

But I'm rambling on to much now, my bad if this is confusing to read but it is what it is, I'm just trying to play and have a good time but when cheaply loosing to a thoughtless deck with no skill or strategy thats not necessarily broken but needs something. I think over powered fits the bill more then broken and that card needs to be toned down or cost a lot more to have in deck. Card should cost more then any of the scenarios since it can do a lot more then any of them but yet its all at 13. Needs to be 15 tops like some scenario cards with how strong it is if they don't don't wanna fix how over powered and cheap it is.

But tbh I'm sick of Renfri NG decks period. There is no strategy when all you do is lock cards or mill their whole deck then chees othe players spaming renfri. And if you think that is a strategy, well guess what. Find one thats takes real skill and real strategy only a clown would think using cheesy decks as such would require any skill or any actual strategy to use. How I explained how I have to play against this deck type whether its NG lock or the other popular one where they copy and play a card out of your hand, is real actual thought strategy I'm not cheesying any of my points in a cheaply manner or almost taking out their whole side of the board and each time I beat them thats real skill and I'd be ashamed if I was who I beat and been beating cause my deck isn't even close to meta or a deck I went and copied unlike 95% of the NG renfri decks I play against which makes it 1000x more annoying when I loose to bogus cheesy crap that doesn't require any actual skill or strategy. Ill lose all day to none bogus cheesy crap but this is just toxic and boring asf to constantly play these cheesy decks even when winning 75% of the time (against NG Renfri decks). Some other Renfir decks are just as toxic and annoying but they can only play renfri once unless they use that card that puts a card back into the deck and plays another out of it but I have yet to see that which makes NG the only problem I have with Renfri atm cause with other decks that aren't NG I don't feel its renfri that makes them super over powered like most SK decks with renfri so I don't play the card but she don't help the situation. But with Renfri NG has it waaaaaaay to fucking easy its ridiculous and unfortunately thats what 90% percent of my matches are against.

Knowing how toxic this community is im pretty sure all the people who play this deck are gonna come say whatever they can pull out their butt but I'm not wrong by any means.Think what you what say what you want, downvote this into oblivion if you want, ill just delete and remake my account no problem 😘 We and I all know how some of you toxic R/gwent users are when the truth is spoken about stuff like this or when you disagree and then they will downvote out of spite like children or make comments acting like children trying to talk crap out their butt. We all get it. Let's be adults for once. Any kids who comment childish crap or acts pathetic because they play these decks and some how think its perfectly balanced like a clown and whatever else they pull out their butt, im not even gonna waste my time not only not reading the rest of the comment once I see you wasting not only your time but mine and won't continue reading or replying and thats all the time you'll be getting. So yall will go have to clown on someone else for attention, I got better things to do then argue with clowns who disagree and can't accept reality or just simply want to be toxic and pathetic. Probably won't even pay attention to this post after making. I just wanted to rant my annoyance of playing these deck types. Wouldnt be so annoying if weren't almost every match of playing these same NG decks. Anyways if you made it this far have a nice night even to all the clowns out there 😉


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