Running into a lot of Onslaught and Clog recently; Want to know your experience.

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Came back to Gwent after a break (around 3-4 months). Been playing for the past couple of days. Started around rank 9 or 8 I guess, not sure. Used an Arachas Swarm deck and a Frost deck to climb. Until rank 5, the game was fun. Saw a couple of creative decks and also some older ones from past meta. But after rank 5, game became like a nightmare. Same decks over and over again. And not wholesome deck. Some toxic, unfun decks which made me wish I never returned.

Out of my recent 14 game, 6 were Onslaught Pirates (one was reckless variation if I remember correctly), 4 were clog and the rest was randoms as vamps or Milva. I could remember this usually happened around rank 1 which everyone used to play the same net deck to get to pro. But this time, it happened around rank 5… so I was like "really!!? Let me play some cards please! No more clog or onslaught pirates please!" And it didn't help that my deck got crushed each and every time I ran into a clog or pirates. I was so frustrated.

So what's the situation? Do you run into these kind of "decks" in rank 1 and low pro over and over again?


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