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Scan megaship datalink – threat 0, barely survived – bug?

So… I'm ally with Federals (yes, stupid Sol permit grind), chasing navy rank and look, easy datalink scan, just to change boring data delivery routine. Went to system, found the ship, jump there, megaship stands alone starrted initial scan and as usual over comms: "we have been attacked, need help!" and boom, instantly surrounded with 12 enemy fighters, all shooting at me. Thanks to my Anaconda max engineered shields, barely survived attack with destroyed canopy and 8% hp, After 30 sec police came to help. Fled to nearest base for repairs. First I've thought game bugged out, game restart, same steps, but again same instant enemy spawn, but this time used megaship as shield and police as bait, scan done but meanwhile message came: destroy enemy ships, nice rewards! Cool, let's fight! Destroyed with police all 12 but my ship took damage, started repairs, boom, again 12 enemy ships, all on me. Took few km distance, limpet repairs and just watched the fights: every time same message for nice rewards, police always wins and after last kill and 2 minutes always 12 enemy ships respawn instantly. I've watched 6 times same scenario and just went to take data delivery missions again. If this is intended gameplay, it's so stupid and barely survivable, you need full corvette to survive those endless fights… I hope it's a bug…


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