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Season of the Wolf Top 64 (Ro16) Qualifier Meta

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

Today is the Season of the Wolf Top 64 (Round of 16) qualifiers. All decks can be found here.

Northern Realms (16 total decks):

  • Inspired Zeal Alumni (13)
    • w/Leticia (9)
    • w/Margarita (10)
    • w/Siege Masters (13)
    • w/Muzzle (4)
    • w/Necromancy (7)
    • w/Donimir (3)
  • Inspired Zeal Siege (3)
    • w/Muzzle (2)
    • Devotion (1)

Everyone brought some kind of NR deck, most choosing for Alumni. We saw a lot of variety in the choices for exactly what to run in the NR deck again, though evidently we've answered the question on Siege Masters – everyone ran them even with as few as 2 Siege Engines.  Three players chose to run Siege instead, two of them playing Muzzle and one chosing to go Devotion for Kerack Marines instead.

Nilfgaard (14 total decks):

  • Double Cross Assimilate(14)
    • w/Bribery (11)
         * w/Artorius Vigo (7)
         * w/Fercart (6)
         * w/Heatwave (1)
         * w/Muzzle (6)
         * Joachim (9)
  • Imprisonment Assimilate (1)
        *w/Muzzle (1)
        *w/Artorius Vigo+Bribery(1)

Everyone brought some form of Assimilate Nilfgaard, with most choosing Double Cross. There was a little variation as usual, with Joachim being more popular today than Heatwave. Two players brought Imprisonment, which to my understanding is a tournament teched Assimilate list. It's much worse in the mirror, but you can just ban your opponent's NG deck and then be better into NR than Double Cross decks are with your two locks from your leader.

Skellige (16 total decks):

  • Onslaught (12)
       * w/Wanderers (10)
       * w/Muzzle (5)
       * w/Heatwave (5)
       * w/Coral (8)
       * w/Junod (6)
       * w/Wild Boar of the Sea (1)
       * Devotion w/Bran, Skjordal, Harald the Cripple (1)
  • Battle Trance Gedyneith (4)

Skellige was brought by every competitor as well. Most chose to bring an Onslaught deck, usually non-Devo, though Idris98 did bring the Devotion version. Once again we saw a Rage of the Sea version with Lekssmiling bringing that card. There were also four very similar Battle Trance Gedy decks, this time with no Sigvald cheese.

Syndicate (15 total decks): 

  • Off the Books (8)
        * w/Bounty Package – Witchfinder, Graden, Executioners (4)
        * w/Philippa (8)
        * w/Heatwave (2)
        * w/Jacques (4)
        * Devo w/Junior (3)
        * w/Flying Redanian (0)
  • Jackpot (7)
        * Devotion (6)
        * w/Bounty Package – Witchfinder, Graden, Executioners (1)

Nearly everyone brought Syndicate with King of Beggars as well, but this time the most popular leader choice was Off the Books. There was a split between Bounty OTB and more standard Midrange OTB, but one common thread through all of the decks was the absence of the Flying Redanian. Among the Jackpot decks, Kaneki_Yamori brought a Bounty list and everyone else had nearly identical decks – Devotion with Professor, Junior, Philippa, Bank, Flying Redanian, Savolla, Moreelse, Freak Show, and Kurt. Only in the bronzes was there variation.

Scoia'tael (1 total deck):

  • Guerilla Tactics Alzur (1)

Our one ST player, Sergo93, was playing GT Alzur with Milva, Madoc, and Saskia:Commander. Not much to say here, it's a pretty standard Alzur deck that they must have liked the matchups for. Sergo was also the lone ST player yesterday and made it to day 2 playing this deck, so they had reason to be confident with it. Unfortunately it went 0-2, losing to Kerpeten's Battle Trance and Off the Books Bounty.

Monsters (0 total decks):

See you in March, Monsters.


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