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Share ONE tip for other vikings that you wish you knew earlier

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

I'm at a little over 1000 total hours across multiple worlds, and still find new things to learn from time to time! No matter how basic you think a tip may be, you never know who may not know it yet. I thought it could be fun / helpful for people to have a collection of random tips & quality-of-life improvements that others have discovered.

I'll start things off off with a two-part tip for harvesting planted crops – sorry I dont know the xbox button equivalents but y'all can probably figure it out.

1) In early game, all of your carrots/onions/turnips can be more easily harvested by holding down the `e` key and move your camera to hover over the crops, which will pick the crop so you can take it. You don't need to hit the key for every single one. This applies later to mistlands crops, too.

2) In the plains, barley and flax can be easily harvested with an Atgeir. Equip the weapon and use the middle mouse button to use the whirlwind special attack, which will cut down all the crops around you. Now you can just walk over and pick them up. Note this currently ONLY works for plains crops – early-game crops & mistlands crops will be destroyed if you try this on them.

Looking forward to other people's tips!


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