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Should I even bother trying to unlock what seems to be an important engineer?

I only really care about combat in this game, I did it for a long time until I had a Vulture fully geared besides from the fact it wasn't engineered. It became obvious to me that I NEED engineering if I wanna get anywhere else as the low combat zones I was farming were incredibly easy but kinda unrewarding at that point, but even just the medium ones were straight up too hard. After looking it up it seems like medium and hard combat zones were made for engineered ships, so I had the choice of either farming low zones for peanuts and get to engineering, so I chose engineering.

I looked it up and it seemed clear to me that Etienne Dorn was the one who was best to aim for first as he can engineer power generators, distributors and the plasma accelerator weapons I wanted. But to get him you need Liz Ryder. After looking it up again I either realised I needed alot of money, or that I needed a ship to trade or something because I started doing the road to riches for money a long time ago. Half way through I got bored, and it was only recently that I came back and finished it, now I have 169 million, have unlocked Liz Ryder and have now been invited to meet Etienne Dorn in the Los system… 22kLy away… which my ship is completely unable to reach due to its low jump range. Great.

So now I have to do another grind which even dedicated Elite Dangerous players seem to suggest people don't do just to engineer my ship to play the game in the way I want. I know some people will offer to jump you there for you, which is enticing, but I also don't wanna do something without earning it myself.

So now I'm wondering, are G5 engineered components really work the effort? Could I unlock another engineer within the bubble that can do say G3 engineering that will be more than enough to do well in high combat zones? Or at the very least can I unlock engineers that are capable of engineering a ship I can build specifically for getting to colonia to unlock the engineer I want? But if I do that what if I want to engineer the parts differently, don't I have to make the journey yet again? In which case, how do people get around the fact this engineer is 22kLy's in the middle of nowhere?


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