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Side grade armor. Spoilers for the Endgame

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Has anybody noticed that the Side grade armor: (Troll hide and Root armor) are themed araund big enemies of their Respective biomes (Troll's and Abomination's), and need to kill them to graft these armor sets.

I think near future they will add a new side grade armor, what would be in the silver age/mountain's, and i think it will be Crystal armor, themed after the Stone golems, becase they are the big enemy of the Mountain's. Every side grade armor sets have a buff, if you wear the full set (Sneak for Troll hide, and Bows for Root) i think that Picaxe buff/mining buff would fit the best, and it would be usefull, even in the future, when they ad new ore's/metal's in new biome's.

As for Plains, there are Loxes are the big enemies, and if full set with a riding buff would be nice, but only problem is, that you can farm loxes, and the armor would be too easy to get, with just 2 tamed loxes, what you would allready have, if you were going to ride them. I think it would be beter to make a brand new material, what you would get from armored Fuling brutes, and make same kinda bony look, and not make a bramd new enemy in the plains, becase we have allready enough…

Edit: i totally forgot Fenrings, i think that can be a cool armor set

This was just me sharing my ideas and Stay safe, and watch out from death squito's


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