Small changes for new players that might do more good than harm

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Something I've noticed with new and old players alike is that they see SOMEONE on the map and decide to make an awkward rotate to them whenever they want to, most likely, fail at getting a kill. Typically these are your bad dota players and their excuse is "oh I didn't know it was [insert enemy carry here]. This problem is two fold i personally feel. On one hand, you can just pan the camera because they're obviously in vision. Click the map and physically see who it is. But, bad dota players are bad, and new dota players are new. So what if we could see who it is from a glance at the map without having to think about it? Well, we can, but its tossed in with map settings that I hadn't touched until a friend of mine convinced me to do so. Sure, you can hold alt to see player icons, but I personally think that they should be on by default. The color and direction you're facing matters VERY little to me if youre already walking in vision and I can see where your portrait is. This also works for team communication. If you just say "look out pink, gank incoming" EVERYONE has to look and verify who is who. If you can look at a glance and say "look out X, gang coming to you" it makes it fast and easy for everyone. A moment is worth everything, and spending too long to gather the information can cost you your life, or even the game. Split second decisions could be made better if a default option like this was in play.

Tldr: Player icons are way cooler than colored arrows, delivering more split second information and should be on by default.

I would love to hear about other default settings people think would help players out. Even if you've been playing for 5k hours im sure there is something that you might not know, or do, that could be helped by just the smallest non-gameplay altering adjustment.


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