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Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Vale PLS wake up , your game is going to die when there are people who are freely smurfing and 90% of them smurfing because they wanna sell them to low ranked people. how can you let this happen? you can just IP ban them easily or just make a smurf queue for them and put them to face together . why am i seeing these people my im level 87 , my friends are 96 and 150? like the whole enemy team is new accounts, level 3 , 10 , 12 or even level 1. im leaving dota from today until you find a solution . me as a casual player which i just want to have fun with friends playing normal match, encountering with these people who are playing like Topson when he's playing ranked. smurfing is fine when you dont have any other accounts for any reason. but my message to all who are smurfing for selling or just to stomp some noobs and boosting or people who support this shit is this: just leave your worthless life and get a real life , just leave gaming and maybe you find yourself in a better play , go find a real job to make money not by insulting and ruining people's experience. thanks for reading this I know it's a lot of words but this post comes from the bottom of my heart and i wanted to say it for a long time.


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