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So, I just found grieving players in SEA Ranked Match today.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Hello Dota 2 Folks!
What a great day to play Dota ain't it?

….but I guess, it's not for me.

Why? So here's my story :

Match Result

Me and my friend were playing a ranked match in SEA server region. I played pos 4 Snapfire, and my friend played pos 3 Doom. We were winning from early until mid game.

XP and Net Worth Graph

But, for some reason our pos 2 (Invoker) and pos 1 (Drow Ranger) decided to just farm at the jungle until late game. They (and the pos 5 Timbersaw) decided to just roam around at our dire jungle and kill neutral camps over and over and over again. Guess which item they farm? Divine Rapier. Drow and Invoker each bought 1 Divine Rapier. Please do take a look at the player items graph below for further prove:

Divine Rapier Bought

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
I originally thought, "Oh they must have want to try a meme build consists of Divine Rapier and end the game after that". But, suddenly they just decided to drop all of their items at fountain and proceed to right click deny it AND THEN go to Roshan to purposely die there. Both divine Rapier dropped. Please do take a look at the player net worth graph below again for further prove :

Drow and Invoker's Net Worth

The game ends there where Drow and Invoker just abandon the match after throwing/grieving the game.

I would love to upload the match video and the Dotabuff match data but unfortunately for some reason I cannot decompress this match replay file, so there is no proof video about this match and Dotabuff won't show the match data history.

Error at decompressing replay file

But, If you guys are curious about the details of the match, here are the details :
Match ID : 6826278925
Time : 28/10/2022 00:00

"So OP, what's the aim of this post?
Are you um.. ranting?
Or are you really mad and wants to hunt these kind of players?"

It's neither of them. This post is just to show and inform you guys that there still lots of grieving and throwing players out there that makes the game not fun anymore. I understand that Dota 2 is just a game. It's perfectly fine to lose or to win, but if we lose due to some throwers or grievers or trolls, it feels 10x worse than normal lose. If new player in Dota 2 encounters toxic behavior in their first Dota 2 match, I assure you, that player will definitely not want to play the game anymore thinking this behavior are normal in Dota 2.
I hope that somehow Valve can mitigate this kind of behavior from happening. Throwers, Trolls, and Grievers can always make new steam ID every time they got banned from Dota 2, and that's really problematic.



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