so the changes to make arc warden and tinker less “sit at the back and milk a free push/teamfight” have both failed, can we finally rework how they engage the game?

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the 50% damage reduction arc has completely fallen flat, all it did was shift arc wardens build into spell spam instead of right clicks, hell this was made EVEN MORE cancerous by the fact scepter now gives him 2 wraiths when he lands 1, sacrificing your clone over and over has never been so rewarding than it is now.

tinker was given a baseline BoT to discourage the single minded build of rush boots > dagger > nuke item here, and made march into a shard upgrade, problem is laser was given an AoE so it didnt do shit for controlling him but it DID buff him by allowing him to skip a fucking 2500 gold item and rush immediately into dagger which makes him come online the moment he hits 6/gets dagger.

so basically changes to make them less of a backline free fight winner fell incredibly flat and actually BUFFED this playstyle.

what would you change to fix this current zero risk max reward playstyle?

for me arc wardens ulti would become a "stand" style ability, all his spells and attacks are mimicked but no longer can he send a clone off to go farm other lanes or kamakazi it for kills with no risk


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