So why are player spawns so borked? Like we seem to spawn right next to eachother or scavs even if the map is huge

Ive seen plenty of posts here of guys spawning on top of ai scavs that are shooting the player before they even load in. Or instant death from a boss. Or the scav sniper on customs taking pot shots at you as you spawn in. Ive also personally spawned into woods and ran into another player within a minute which to me inexcusable considering how big the map is. And then there's factory. I get the map is tiny. But you should still never spawn in line of sight of other players or scavs. Why do scavs even spawn in before players can move? Shouldnt it maybe be delayed a couple seconds after everyone loads into the match? I dont get it. I see posts about these things quite a bit and the comments seem to just accept it? Spawning into games is a system that been pretty ironed out in the industry for like 30 years. I find a lot of these situations really no ok. Has BSG ever even acknowledged this?


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