So wtf engineers I thought I understood you?

So I've been playing on and off for about 4 years and although I get the gist of it some things are so blatantly badly explained I get lost when a new mechanic is incorporated. no pointers to where in the menu to go, steps of missions, what to actually scan, and so on and so forth.

I figured much of it by myself until I discovered this community thank god. My new thing today is I have a mk2 fully engineered. It was my second ship and I only did this and the imp eagle (no I don't consider it a ship more like what bay ships should be) but I engi'ed everything to max level on everything. Got my courier did the same no Huss no fuss.

Now I got my first big ship. Clipper. Went to the same as last times up to grade 5. But she won't upgrade pas grade 3 on my 6a Thrusters. Why if she did my mk2 to grade 5 and she is leveled up all the way. Option is not even greyed it's like she decided grade 3 is all I get


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