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Solo, have Kappa, how can I help you.

I want to help those that I can, like I help scavs in game, or pmcs doing quest if they voip. I used to be a rat, but now I'm a Chad. I play mostly solo, and I've done everything from crouch walking the map to storming goons while solo and fighting a 4 man opposing too.

How can I help you with advice? Ask whatever down below, I'm not a sherpa, but I have wisdom, and I want everyone to thrive and have fun!

Some tips ahead;
If you're solo, you don't have to be at every fight or even take the fight. Sometimes, it's just better to move away, reroute, or hold and let them pass. Same subject, getting out alive with your gear and 100k in loot is better than dying for a possible low spawn of whatever it may be.
If you're new; quest objectives overtake all loot possibilities. Stick to your objective you can loot later, rather that raid when safer or the next raid. Also, if it seems like a bad idea then it probably is; and if you thought you heard something weird — you probably did!

Important rule of thumb; there is ALWAYS one more. I don't care if you killed the other 5 pmcs in factory – there's another pmc in your mind just keep that thought. There is no such thing as safe until you're extracted. (I've killed a duo in customs, fighting the third for 3 minutes, his buddy scaved back in and rejoined the fight. )

Ask anything !

Final note; yes hackers, I know, I will be clear; "Boo hoo, it sucks, move on and go to the next raid. You'll have way more memorable games then memories of dying."


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