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Now that most people are done with their first few tasks, I'm seeing squads every single raid. Yesterday I went 5 hours without dying on woods (farming meds), and had a KD against PMC's of about 4. Now 5 of my 7 deaths today have been to squads. I've been playing Tarkov for 4 years now. My first wipe I had the opinion that the game badly needed a soloque mode. Nothing has changed. Playing with friends makes the game extremely easy and gives you a MASSIVE advantage over others. Tarkov is suppose to be about risk/reward but squad play throughs that out the window. The value of items, the difficulty and reward of hard work, the competitive nature of firefights are all fucked as soon as a 3+ squad comes at you. And I'm not even saying I lose those fights. I've already taken out a few squads this wipe. But it's frustrating when you kill 1 or 2 or so on, only to have them outnumber you and swarm you until your mags and meds run dry. Then of course they stash their own loot and take yours. I'm not saying people shouldn't be able to play together. Just pit groups against each other. It would be a much more balanced game where people's actual skill has a better chance to influence their success. And honestly it would probably be more fun for squads as well.

And before I get the same tired response from other community members saying that "the devs already said it wouldn't be in the game". Please, just think about what's happened recently (heck not even just in this last week or two) and tell me that again. If you think it's a bad idea, I'd really like to understand your reasoning and not just be told that it won't happen.


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