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Spectre Aghanim’s shard is so bad

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

There haven't been a single point where I'm like "damn i need my shard", where shards on other heroes feel like they are good in certain situations (excluding tiny)

Where her Aghanim just feels good, balanced and fitting the hero''s theme. Her second ability feels dead and useless compared to dispersion being one of the best defensive skills in game. Dispersion is good as it is already.

So why not make shard around her second ability and add like maybe an active manabreak at the cost of her mana witch each hit, or make it be a small cleave for farming only which sounds op but u get the idea anything could work better than this. I'm ok with its kraken shell design but it's weak and shard around her second ability would be more interesting then being around dispersion.

What do you think ?


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