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Stonewood Willy Wonka Moment

All too often it seems like you encounter the toxic stonewood elements. I’m end game but I’ve recently been grinding out BP experience for in stonewood with Thunder Thora for the cheapest possible no trap afk grind.

Happened to be in a RTD today with someone who it quickly became apparent was brand spanking new. The other guy like me was chatting with him and dropped a shotgun for him.

The dude was obviously overjoyed and it felt absolutely genuine. So I decided to drop a Xenon and Blunderbuss for him unprompted. Again more sheer excitement from him.

And then I had the Willy Wonka equivalent to Charlie dropping off the forever gobstopper. My dude said “Thanks so much let me give you this!” And dropped a one star egg launcher.

I graciously declined but it was a damn nice thing to see. I guess the morale of the story is that even if you find yourself cynical because of the challenges we all know the game has or bored at the grind, encountering someone who felt like we once did can be pretty awesome.

Of course.. there is the other side that makes you question life choices. Like the fools who kelp destroying my BASE in stonewood for god knows why. Lol


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