A step in the right direction?

A summary of what I’ve experienced and seen from others on Reddit regarding the latest update.

Interchange and reserve are forever changed. You can now actually see inside the mall and in the basements/bunkers.

DLSS is better but not perfect. No more kaleidoscopes along with a 30-40% frame increase on all maps except reserve which seems to have gotten worse. I experience a lot more stuttering and huge fps drops compared to DLSS off. DLSS is not worth the frame boost in its current state in my opinion.

Audio still seems dickered.

Like every other technical update a new wave of bugs has been introduced. I’ve seen the nether portal on reserve and also weird light textures emanating from the floodlights in the bunker.

Overall I think this is an improvement. What do you guys think? What have you experienced so far?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/12bqz60/a_step_in_the_right_direction/

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