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Stop playing DotA if you’re mentally unprepared and plan to grief

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I've played this game for a long, long time. Since around '07 for over 15k hours. I love this game. I also HATE this game, because of the people that choose to play it.

Nearly HALF of my games I have someone that is mentally unfit to play a team game. They have egos that are too fragile for failure or even general socialization necessary to be a part of a team.

Idk if this is a general lack of video game player's social interaction, or an overall low societal mental health level, but it's clearly an issue with the gaming population.

This lack of mental fortitude leads to tilting, feeding, and often griefing. All of which usually end in lost games with little to no recourse for the griefer's teammates.

We all play this game to have fun and enjoy it (or so I like to think), so why then, are there SO many of you that seem intent on ruining matches for your teammates? Wasting other people's time, and your own time.

Have some fucking respect for your fellow gamers. Some of us are parents. Some of us have day jobs. Some of us value our and our teammate's time a lot more than you griefers do.

So please, I BEG YOU… Do not queue for a DotA match if you plan to be a coward and grief, or feed, or troll other humans.


Edit: 50% down votes on this just proves my point that half of the community is okay with and likely engages in griefing, intentional feeding, and trolling. Y'all make this community garbage.


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