Strange encounter on woods

Yesterday I did a scav run on woods at around 5 am. I load in and spawn next to the lumber mill and decide to head in. As I'm walking around I find a dead body that didn't look looted and was pretty well armed. I check the surrounding area to make sure nobody was camping it and then begin to loot the body. It had a suppressed OP-SKS with the plastic body (dont remember the name). it has a sight and everything. I take it and grab the 2 other 20 round mags with it. I check the mags and all 3 have 7.62 bp in them. next I check the stuff he was wearing. Nothing great but a level 3 armor, an s-lock with the monocle nvg, and an m32 headset. The strange thing is it's all found in raid, including the ammo and nvgs, and there was no dog tag. Can ai scavs spawn with this stuff on them now? I don't think it was a Shturman guard either since there weren't any other dead bodies. Anybody seen something similar?


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