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Stupid guy again, here’s how my first unranked game went.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

So I played anti mage cause I liked his arm blades, he has a teleport, and I got a skin for him for 30 cents (great deal compared to league!). Tbh I didn't know what I was doing but I got a couple of kills early but the enemy Marci kept jumping on me later and killing me anyway.

We had a skywrath mage on our team who was flaming me and the naga siren on our team. When I explained that it was my first game he told me to play new player queue and to quit ruining his game. I get what he's saying but I felt I'd understand better if I just played the actual game and not a simplified version.

So how the rest of the game went is basically summed up by
1. Enemy faceless void one shotting me over and over
2. Enemy axe being godlike
3. Me resorting to all chat and all of us arguing with the skywrath mage

We lost after like an hour long match cause our blood seeker was doing well and the naga siren was hitting good ults (I think her ult is the stun thing).

All in all, I did have a bit of fun cause anti mage has a teleport and it's fun, but I felt like I couldn't really do anything. Idk if anti mage is supposed to do a lot of damage but besides my ult I would just have to blink out of fights. I'll probably try someone easier cause someone on the enemy team said that anti mage is good he just has to farm a hell of a lot. I'm gonna keep trying though, I've watched some videos and I'm gonna keep inting I guess lol. We all reported the skywrath, no clue if they actually got punished or not.


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