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Syndicate Jackpot

gerald witcher 3 gwent table

I know its been out for a while but the added bonus of excess coins boosting your units is…

In my opinion so freaking Powerful! in a hoard deck. This change they probably had in the book years ago, but finally decided SY needed help so they put it in. Just a guess. This change put Jackpot above all the other SY abilities no question. I am an SY only player and have experimented with every leader and this change just separates Jackpot value from every other SY leader hands down.

2nd thought I love this change because now many cards that required setup and planning are just massive point slams now when you have 9 coins. It specifically makes the card Caesar Blitzen playable with Sigi/Beggars and let me tell you it is so sexy when it works.

I have yet to try but do cards that trigger and complete bounties such as Graden and Proffessor, do the excess coins buff the unit? I would think not but maybe someone has tried it.

Cards that are now nutty with Jackpot:
Caesar Bilzen, Beggars, Sigi, Imke, Ludovicus Brunenbaum.

main combo of my deck is to get to 9 coins R1 and get off a high value Caesar on Beggars or Sigi if you need. Also I include the sexy operator to use with Casino Bouncers or Beggars. This deck has insane versatility in my opinion.

Tigers Eye
Sigi Reuven
Bincy Blumerholdt
Azar Javed
The flying Redanian
Doadrick Leumaerts
Caesar Bilzen
Tavern Brawl
Ludovicus Brunenbraum
Saul de Navarette
Artefact Compression
Eavesdrop x2
Caisno Bouncers x2
Swindle x2
Sea Jackal x2
Beggar x2
Kikimore Warrior x1

If you try this deck prepare to be giddy

Thank you


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