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Syndicate suuuucks!

witcher gwent cards

So I just made an SN deck and I hate how weak it is! I made a firesworn deck by just looking at the cards myself without any guides which is all about flooding the board and boosting them like 2 . I was against an SK pirate deck with classic chipping you down with damage/rain and I won the first round by freaking luck I guess then I skipped the second round. I had Jacques in the first round but since he is pretty bad in his first form I shuffled him back to the deck without thinking much.

Then the third round comes and here I go with 2 congregates, the flame artifact that summons 2 and boosts all firesworns and some shitty bronze cards and guess what Jacques is sleeping in the damn deck taking a good old "miraculous nap". And what grinded my gears was he just breezed through the round while keeping me… I can't stress this enough btw. 9 POINTS PEAK! So after the match I took a sip of my baby boy juice with some deep breaths and I go in to edit my deck like every bitter and crying alpha male do. I scroll through the SN cards and there is 3 cards that let's you draw from deck and they are all random then I let out a silly giggle and type "oneriomancy" on the search bar but just before I craft it (yes I never used it. I play NG lol) I remember a liiiiitle detail. JACQUES HAS DEVOTION!!!

Just to self reflect a little… I think I am bad at making decks by myself and I should realize I'm not a strategist who is a mix of Hannibal Barca, Julius Ceasar and Genghis Khan. Also I think everytime I make a deck I focus on a keyword, mechanic or an archetype too much except my NG deck which has both ball and spying respectively (also 3 easy removals)

deep sigh so that was it and I wanna hear from some SN mains, haters and neutrals. Is it the faction or laying on the NG clouds made my bones weak af.

Here is the deck if you wanna take a look and don't hold back the roast.


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